CHM Utility produces steel monopole and H-frame structures for light-duty distribution and transmission applications. We utilize the latest engineering software and design tools, the highest quality materials, and proven manufacturing techniques to provide a superior and cost-effective solution for your project. We have both the engineering staff and the manufacturing capacity to help meet your requirements and project deadlines.
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Steel plate is cut on one of our (4) CNC plasma tables. These tables are used to cut steel to be utilized for the shaft as well as all accessories like vangs, top plates, arm brackets, and other steel components used on the tower.
For items that require bending (shafts, arm brackets, etc.), CHM utilizes one of (3) in-house press brakes.
Shafts and tubular arms are welded utilizing one of (3) submerged arc-long seam welders.
Long Seaming
Final welding occurs in one of our (42) welding stations. Each welding station is equipped with all equipment necessary to lay out, weld, and inspect each section and arm on your project. All welders are certified in accordance with AWS D1.1 to perform the welds required on each section they produce.
While CHM has a diverse set of steel suppliers around the country that we can utilize to procure steel for your project, we also have mill direct allocations that ensure CHM has multiple sources and avenues for steel procurement to meet your project’s needs.
Mill Direct Steel Supply With Dedicated Monthly Capacity
CHM has relationships with galvanizers around the country to ensure the quick turn of your projects. With four hot dip galvanizing facilities within 30 miles of our production facility, we have ample capacity to galvanize projects of any size.
Suppose your tower exceeds the capacity of our local galvanizers. In that case, we have access to nearly every galvanizer across the United States to ensure proper and complete galvanizing of structures of any size.
Local & National Galvanizing
The final finish of your tower can be of the utmost importance, and CHM offers various finish options available to our customers including:
- Chromate Quench for galvanized structures
- Various choices for Mastic Coating finishes of direct embedment towers
- Powder coat finishes in a wide array of standard and custom colors.
- Media blast for weathering steel towers